Does Public Space Change with the Rise of the Internet?
According to Giovanni Sartori, the factors and processes that shape a person and transform them into an adult depend on four determinants: 1) parents, 2) peers (the peer group), 3) school, 4) media. Unfortunately, Sartori notes, in current Western society, parents are failing, as is the school syste
Situated Collective Intelligence
Without a doubt, mine is a generation marked by new technologies, the generation of computers, the internet, and smartphones; a very particular generation, not to be confused with the younger "digital natives". It is a bridge generation, born in an analog world but which quickly adopted and understo
Globalization and Its Effects on Our Relationship with the Territory
Globalization has normalized a lifestyle detached from the local dimension, generating a disconnect from our social identity and the reality of territories. The promotion of new knowledge spaces along with dynamics of situated collective intelligence signals a trend reversal.
MacroMesoMicro. Systemic Territory Framework from the perspective of the Social Innovation
This publication aims to take a step back to gain momentum and propose, by unfolding, a Systemic Framework of the Territory from Social Innovation, where we remix from Action Research as a methodological research proposal, the way of observing the Territory from the perspective or paradigm of Social
Domenico Di Siena on the Dynamics of Collective Intelligence
A year ago, I received an invitation from Amalio Rey to answer a series of questions about Collective Intelligence, on the occasion of a research project that Amalio is developing for a book on this fascinating subject. The exchange was very interesting and resulted in a post that Amalio published a